Jay and Alexandra

Jay and AlexandraNo­body can imagine how won­der­ful for­eign men are!

I re­al­ized this as soon as I met Jay. Pri­or to meet­ing him, I’d had an un­pleas­ant ex­pe­ri­ence with a class­mate who came to study in Kiev. It turned out he just want­ed just that – a place to stay.

I was shocked. Jay sup­port­ed me as best as he could, lift­ing me out of the swamp I felt sub­merged in and giv­ing me a new lease on life. He was send­ing me won­der­ful gifts, beau­ti­ful flow­ers, and of course we had un­for­gettable meet­ings.

Jay and Alexandra

We saw each other reg­u­lar­ly as Jay could trav­el a lot due to hav­ing his own busi­ness, and hav­ing a busi­ness part­n­er who he could trust to run things when he was away. He taught me a lot dur­ing our time com­mu­ni­cat­ing to­gether, for which, of course, I am for­ev­er grate­ful.

He taught me to re­joice again, to start lov­ing my­self again. I had nev­er met any men like him. on my birth­day, he gave me the most in­cred­i­b­ly sur­prise pre­sent - an in­vite to join him trav­elling around the world. It was un­for­gettable. I ex­pe­ri­enced so many new emo­tions. he helped me in find­ing my­self as a per­son and al­so in find­ing a job.

Now I'm fine, I'm very hap­py and I’m grate­ful that he came in to my life. we still have a great friend­ship to­day and talk fre­quent­ly.


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