Fil d'actualité

ID: 52966

Yana changed their status

I want to share with you!
ID: 51636

Irina added new photos to their profile

ID: 51636

Irina updated their profile picture

ID: 53371

Maria updated their profile picture

ID: 37777

Valeria added new photos to their profile

ID: 37777

Valeria updated their profile picture

ID: 48565

Tatiana added new photos to their profile

ID: 48565

Tatiana updated their profile picture

ID: 54587

Victoria added new photos to their profile

ID: 54587

Victoria updated their profile picture

ID: 47002

Yana added new photos to their profile

ID: 47002

Yana updated their profile picture

ID: 54834

You're welcome to meet Dina, the newest profile on the site!

New blog post added!

Divergences entre les dates de Pâques et votre partenaire russe

Les différences culturelles dans les relations amoureuses peuvent parfois donner lieu à des malentendus, en particulier lorsqu'il s'agit de fêtes comme Pâques. Si vous sortez avec un(e) Russe, vous risquez de rencontrer des divergences dans la façon dont ils célèbrent Pâques par rapport à vos propres traditions. Comprendre ces différences peut favoriser la communication et renforcer votre relation. Dates de Pâques orthodoxes et occidentales : Le moment...
Lire la suite...
ID: 54313

Agustina Daniela updated their profile picture

ID: 53410

Ekaterina updated their profile picture

ID: 53412

Ksenia updated their profile picture

ID: 53616

Valeria updated their profile picture

ID: 53372

Daria updated their profile picture

ID: 45791

Anastasia added new photos to their profile

ID: 45791

Anastasia updated their profile picture

ID: 43062

Valentina updated their profile picture

ID: 52841

Nika added new photos to their profile

ID: 52841

Nika updated their profile picture

ID: 52841

Nika updated their profile picture

ID: 54815

Victoria added new photos to their profile

ID: 54815

Victoria updated their profile picture

ID: 39233

Liudmila added new photos to their profile

ID: 39233

Liudmila updated their profile picture

ID: 36512

Julia added new photos to their profile

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