Aiym from Almaty, Kazakhstan

This week is glad to introduce a gorgeous woman Aiym from Almaty, Kazakhstan. Aiym is a friendly, romantic, and caring person. She likes traveling, cooking, doing sports, going shopping, and spending the evenings with a book or good movies. Aiym is looking for a caring, tender, loving, sincere, loyal, and respectful man who will love her with all his heart and soul. Would you like to know more about her? Read Aiym’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.

Hi! My name is Ay­im!

Where do I start with my sto­ry? I'll start with a few brief de­tails about me. I'm a med­i­cal stu­dent and I work part-time as a nurse. I love help­ing peo­ple and would nev­er pass by a per­son who need­ed help. Some peo­ple think it's im­pos­si­ble to help ev­ery­one but not me.

I will reach out to some­one in need. I chose this line of work be­cause I think it's the right thing to do.

But that’s not all there is to know about me, I’ve on­ly just start­ed to tell you about my­self.

I hope you are not tired yet my new friend.... Ah, if on­ly you could hear my voice... it would guide you through life.

A voice that gives love, strength, pro­tec­tion and re­li­a­bil­i­ty. I sing beau­ti­ful­ly. It's not just my mouth that sings, it's my soul too... And if when read­ing th­ese lines, you have felt some­thing, it is your soul that has heard the voice of my soul... It means that our souls have found each other among many... No need to waste time... I am here... I am yours... I am for you...


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