I invite you to my world to feel my Love!

Daria from Poltava, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a pretty woman Daria from Poltava, Ukraine. Daria is an energetic, friendly, reliable, and honest person whose biggest dream is to find her love for life. Daria’s looking for a faithful, kind, and understanding man who will share her dreams and interests. Would you like to know more about her? Read Daria’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.


My name is Daria and I’m an op­ti­mis­tic, open-mind­ed, re­li­able, ac­tive, cre­a­tive, and mod­ern wo­m­an. I’m ready for changes in my life and I promise to be open and hon­est with you. I’m sure you will dis­cov­er even more qual­i­ties in me in the fu­ture but one thing you should know about me – I’m not per­fect for sure and I’m not look­ing for a per­fect man here. I’m just a sim­ple girl with sim­ple hob­bies and in­ter­ests.

I lead a healthy lifestyle but with­out be­ing fa­nat­ic about it and my hob­by is pret­ty sim­ple.

By the way, have you ev­er con­sid­ered walk­ing as a hob­by? Be­cause I did!

With­out a doubt, walk­ing is one of the easi­est ways to start ex­er­cis­ing.

Apart from im­prov­ing your phys­i­cal well-be­ing and giv­ing you the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet new peo­ple, bond with friends, and spark up your dai­ly rou­tine, as the best hob­by walk­ing al­so takes care of your men­tal health.

I love spend­ing time in the fresh air and walk­ing around, es­pe­cial­ly tak­ing ran­dom walks with no desti­na­tion in mind.

The na­t­u­ral world is very im­por­tant to me, I love walk­ing in na­ture and ex­plor­ing the land­s­capes of my re­gion.

I es­pe­cial­ly love trees and wood­lands. Be­sides parks and venues, I en­joy walk­ing in shop­ping ar­eas.

No mat­ter where you are, you can go take a walk and you can walk alone or have friends join you.


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