Daria from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a romantic woman Daria from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Daria is an active, single-minded, loving, honest, and open-minded person who enjoys reading books, traveling, riding a bike, and cooking. Daria is looking for a strong, honest, intelligent, attentive, and understanding man with a good sense of humor. Would you like to know more about her? Read Daria’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.


My name is Daria and I would like to tell you about my­self.

Once I was asked if I could go back in­to the past, would I change any­thing? For the first few se­conds a mil­lion thoughts flew around in my head. What would I change? Choose another pro­fes­sion? Not give the cor­rect an­sw­ers for tests to a guy at school be­cause he still didn’t call me up for a date? Don't trust that girl in uni­ver­si­ty with my se­cret be­cause she will be­tray me? Don't be­lieve any­one at all just be­cause some idiot cheat­ed on me? Then I looked at the pho­tos from my lat­est trip and re­al­ized - I love my life, my­self and I don't want to change any­thing.

For me, there is noth­ing bet­ter than wak­ing up at 3 am, tak­ing a suit­case and driv­ing to the air­port. Noth­ing is bet­ter than vis­it­ing new places and meet­ing new peo­ple...well...maybe cof­fee in the morn­ing made by your beloved could be bet­ter.

Trav­el­ing is my pas­sion, it is my life. So I’ve de­cid­ed that if I love trav­el­ing so much, I could cre­ate a fam­i­ly with a man from abroad. If ne­ces­sary, I’m ready to go around the globe in 80 days in or­der to meet my love.

Tell me your lo­ca­tion and I will be there!


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