Eugenia from Zaporozhye, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a beautiful woman Eugenia from Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Eugenia is an easy-going and broad-minded person with a great variety of hobbies. She likes meeting interesting people, drawing landscapes, and listening to the music. Eugenia’s looking for a caring, strong, intelligent man with a good sense of humor. Would you like to know more about her? Read Eugenia’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.


I’m Eu­ge­nia and I love trav­el­ing, that's my pas­sion. I think that trav­el­ing can make you for­get about any problems and feel­ings of de­pres­sion. But you know what's bet­ter than trav­el? That's right – it’s trav­el­ing with some­one. To­gether you feel need­ed and safe. Un­for­tu­nate­ly, I have to trav­el by my­self.

I have al­ready visit­ed sev­er­al coun­tries but I was re­al­ly miss­ing some­thing... I think I missed you – a good com­panion with whom I could share break­fast and din­n­er, take long walk and look at all that ci­ties have to of­fer. We could lis­ten to the mu­sic of street mu­si­cians and en­joy look­ing at the moun­tains and the sea, see sun­ris­es and sunsets to­gether. Un­der­s­tand?

I need some­one with whom I can share a glass of wine, ask for a mas­sage af­ter a hard day, talk a lot about dif­fer­ent things and plan the fu­ture.

Imagine what it would be like if we trav­eled to­gether. Right now I’m go­ing to show you some of my amaz­ing days. Do you want to spend days like this with me?

Let’s go for a walk, ex­plore won­der­ful places to­gether and en­joy each other’s com­pany!

Where would we go to­gether for our first trip? Write to me! 


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