Yulia from Kyiv, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is glad to introduce a beautiful woman Yulia from Kiev, Ukraine. Yulia is an honest, respectful, kind, passionate, and loving person. She loves music, dancing, spending time in nature, doing sports, and taking pictures. Yulia wants to meet a communicative, respectful, and honest man who will appreciate her. Would you like to know more about her? Read Yulia’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.


My name is Yu­lia and I want to fill your heart with HAP­PI­NESS! My thoughts are al­ways so ro­man­tic and I can bring sin­cere feel­ings of love and hap­pi­ness to peo­ple’s hearts.

As for my hob­bies, my fig­ure is my work­out which I love. Sports and danc­ing are my two main hob­bies. I can dance for hours to my fa­vorite mu­sic, and I nev­er want to stop!

Move­ment al­ways gives us en­er­gy and lifts our spir­its. I would al­so like to dance as a cou­ple with my loved one though.

I do have another hob­by which is what I call my cre­a­tive note­book in which I write po­ems about love and the de­sire to be with the man of my dreams. We all know that dreams can come true so that's why I de­cid­ed to find my love on a dat­ing site.

Fate al­ways gives us signs, and we need to lis­ten to th­ese with the dic­tates of the heart and mind. Maybe it is you who is my love, the one I have wait­ed to meet for so long. We can dis­cov­er new boun­daries to­gether, learn about new worlds and see the most shim­mer­ing pa­rade of stars and plan­ets.

P.S. My mot­to for life is "One red thread finds the se­cond and to­gether they will be unit­ed by the knot of love”. So let's be­come that knot of eter­nal love, shall we?


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