Angelica from Sofia, Bulgaria

This week is glad to introduce a gorgeous woman Angelica from Sofia, Bulgaria. Angelica is an open-hearted, communicative, and goal-oriented person. She is keen on traveling, gardening, learning foreign languages, and watching movies. Angelica is looking for a man who will make her happy. Would you like to know more about her? Read Angelica’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.


My name is An­gel­i­ca and here are a few words about me. I’m a very cheer­ful girl and I re­al­ly do be­lieve that you can eas­i­ly get out of any si­t­u­a­tion if you know how to laugh. I al­ways try to be op­ti­mis­tic and look for the good in ev­ery­thing and ev­ery­one so I am al­so very skilled at mak­ing sure that I nev­er let some­one close to me be­come dis­cour­aged.

Some­thing that helps me to do this is my culi­nary skill. I like home­made food that has been made with love and with the finest in­gre­di­ents, bet­ter than any res­tau­rant. I hope you love this too! I’m well ac­quaint­ed with sea­food be­cause the ci­ty where I lived in the south of Ukraine was right by the sea.

At the mo­ment, I live even fur­ther south, in Bul­garia, where the food and the cul­ture is very sim­i­lar and this south­ern tem­per­a­ment means that I just love any ac­tiv­i­ty out­doors.  I like to walk a lot, climb moun­tains, swim in the sea for as long as I can.

I even al­ways choose a job with the abil­i­ty to work on­line so I’m not tied to just one place and I can be mo­bile!

So, I need a per­son who loves na­ture and to be out­side too, I hope that you’re the one! I will be wait­ing for your re­p­ly!


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