Anjela from Kiev, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a stunning woman Anjela from Kiev, Ukraine. Anjela is a modern, confident, and very romantic person who enjoys life and herself. Her biggest hobby is pole dancing along with reading, self-developing, and attending various courses. Anjela is looking for a wise and strong man whom she will give love, warmth, and happiness and in whose eyes she will see the light of love and passion shining in. Would you like to know more about her? Read Anjela’s story and enjoy her beautiful photos.


My name is An­jela and my pas­sion is pole danc­ing.

I be­lieve that it’s im­por­tant for ev­ery wo­m­an to love and feel her body. This is es­pe­cial­ly im­por­tant for health, both men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly.

I’ve tried dif­fer­ent kinds of sports but pole danc­ing brings me re­al plea­sure. I can feel ev­ery cell of my body, I can feel my mus­cles tense. I feel my­self when I do it. I re­veal my­self as a wo­m­an and I re­al­ly like that.

There are a lot of stereo­types about this sort of danc­ing but I be­lieve that th­ese need to be de­stroyed.

When I’m pole danc­ing I have to com­bine el­e­ments of chore­og­ra­phy, artis­tic gym­nas­tics and ac­ro­bat­ics in­to one unique com­plex dance. It’s pret­ty dif­fi­cult, but I love it.

One more thing I’d like to con­vey to peo­ple is that this dance is a sport and a form of art. I’m glad that I’ve been do­ing it now for over two years and I’ve al­ready suc­ceed­ed in it.

How do you feel about it? Do you think it's beau­ti­ful or not? I’d be very in­ter­est­ed to know your re­sponse!


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