Lia from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week is glad to introduce a charming woman Lia from Kharkov, Ukraine. Lia is a calm and patient person who likes listening to music, going to the gym, and getting a massage. Lia’s looking for an intelligent and decent man with a good sense of humor. Would you like to know more about her? Read Lia’s story and enjoy her amazing photos.


My name is Lia and I’d like to tell you about my­self.

I have a hob­by, or ac­tu­al­ly it’s re­al­ly just an ac­tiv­i­ty that in­spires me – it's lis­ten­ing to mu­sic and danc­ing to it. I'm not a pro­fes­sio­n­al dancer, but I can defi­nite­ly catch the rhythm and feel the mu­sic. I’m that kind of per­son who has im­pec­ca­ble hear­ing and can guess a tune from five notes. If you want to, we can check that out.

When I was a kid, I imagined that I was in a dance group or a so­lo singer. I used to pick up a comb and pre­tend it was a mi­cro­phone.

I could spend hours giv­ing con­certs to my friends, rel­a­tives, or just mov­ing to the mu­sic in front of the mir­ror. I can't say I have a beau­ti­ful voice, but I have a lot of artistry.

I still like to do that - to dance at home, for ex­am­ple when I’m clean­ing. Or when I'm sad, I do it to cheer my­self up. I be­lieve that our bodies can give pos­i­tive im­puls­es to our brain so I save my­self from bore­dom and mop­ing about by rock­ing my hips rhyth­mi­cal­ly and sing­ing along to my fa­vorite songs.

Do you like to dance to your fa­vorite mu­sic? Tell me I'm not alone in this.


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