Alejandra from Medellín, Colombia

This week is glad to introduce a gorgeous lady Alejandra from Medellín, Colombia. Alejandra believes in destiny and falling in love at first sight. She is here with the greatest hope to meet an affectionate man, who will show his real self when he is with her. Would you like to know more about her? Read Alejandra’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hel­lo dear

Al­though I’m young, I have a ma­ture heart. I am very sin­cere and se­ri­ous about seek­ing true love here, to find some­one to love and to mar­ry. I was born in a hap­py and good fam­i­ly.

My Dad and my Mum love each other very much, they have been ex­pe­ri­enced a lot in life and been through good times and bad times to­gether.

I think that's why I'm here on the site. I re­al­ly want to find some­one who I can have our own fam­i­ly with. I may be at­tract­ed to some­one old­er than me be­cause I like ma­ture men. I'm pas­sio­nate about him know­ing how to cre­ate ro­man­tic mo­ments, know­ing what to do at the right time, know­ing how to care for and love his lady.

I am not in­to play­boys, life is short and there is no need to waste time on games.

I just need some­one to be­gin a hap­py jour­ney with. Maybe we'll run in­to some problems, but I know we'll defi­nite­ly work them out to­gether.

Do you want to cre­ate a warm and hap­py fam­i­ly to­gether? Is that you?

Your girl,

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