I want to give you my heart and love my dear!

Stanislava from Kharkov, Ukraine

This week BeHappy2Day.com is happy to introduce a stunning lady Stanislava from Kharkov, Ukraine. Stanislava is a kind and tolerant lady who likes horse riding and swimming! Want to find out more? Read Stanislava’s story and enjoy her wonderful photos.

Hi, dear!

I have quite an unu­su­al name, Stanisla­va and I am just as unique as my name is. I am a mu­si­cian so love mu­si­cal pro­jects and con­certs and I en­joy trav­elling with my work, meet­ing new peo­ple, ex­plor­ing new and in­ter­est­ing things. I al­so like to sit at home some­times with a cup of tea and a good book. I have a healthy lifestyle and love yo­ga and run­n­ing through the won­der­ful parks. More­over I love to cook and learn dif­fer­ent cuisines. I like to paint and put a lot thought in­to this. I think it is very im­por­tant to de­vel­op your­self, to cul­ti­vate your­self and to take care of your in­n­er world.

I am sure that my man and I will make a good team to­gether. We will have an in­ter­est­ing life full of ad­ven­tures and nev­er be bored. I am a very ro­man­tic lady who can love and be loved.

I al­so be­lieve that one can love a per­son’s soul rather than their ap­pear­ance. I do not care about age, ap­pear­ance and ma­te­rial things. I am sure you will be nev­er bored with me and we have lots in com­mon!


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