Våra lyckliga matchningar

As soon as Bran­don saw Ele­na’s pro­file, he felt as though he had been struck by light­n­ing and in­s­tant­ly knew that she had to be his. Ele­na felt the same and now they are so hap­py to be to­gether!

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Anas­tasiya and Ken re­al­ly do be­lieve in mir­a­cles now that this site has brought them to­gether to cre­ate their own fairy tale with a very hap­py end­ing!

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Al­though Na­tasha and Ne­mo Meh­met had chatt­ed on­line for some time, it was not un­til they met that they tru­ly fell in love with each other and now they are to­gether for­ev­er and hop­ing to start a fam­i­ly of their own.

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Juliya and Robert are so grate­ful that life to­day of­fers such great op­por­tu­ni­ties to meet peo­ple on the in­ter­net be­cause af­ter writ­ing to each other for a while when they met in re­al life, they could not have been hap­pi­er.

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All An­na want­ed to do was to find her true love and be hap­py and as soon as she saw An­dre on the web­site, she knew he would be her hus­band. And she was right be­cause now they are mar­ried and have a beau­ti­ful son.

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Af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing for on­ly three days, Har­ry and Ev­geniya de­cid­ed to meet and even though it was dur­ing the New Year’s holi­day, the site still ma­n­aged to or­ganize the most ro­man­tic date at a res­tau­rant in a mag­i­cal for­est.

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Al­though Ele­na and Er­ic found their on­line re­la­tion­ship a lit­tle dif­fi­cult at the be­gin­n­ing they are so glad they did­n’t give up and now Er­ic is burst­ing with so much hap­pi­ness that he finds it al­most im­pos­si­ble to put in­to words!

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When Anas­ta­sia failed to find love in her own coun­try, she de­cid­ed to join this web­site to broa­d­en her hori­zons and she is so glad she did other­wise she would not have met Lukas who won her over from their very first con­ver­sa­tion.

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Af­ter com­mu­ni­cat­ing on­line for a while, Ve­ra and Vic­tor’s date in Kiev could not have been more ro­man­tic – a walk around the ci­ty fol­lowed by a meal in a Ja­pa­nese res­tau­rant bring­ing hap­py me­m­ories from them both to hold when the date came to an end.

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Soon af­ter they be­gan com­mu­ni­cat­ing, Vik­to­ria and Greg re­al­ized they had be­come ad­dict­ed to each other, con­tact­ing each other ev­ery sin­gle day so it was no sur­prise that they had such a won­der­ful time when they met in re­al life and then de­cid­ed to go on a ro­man­tic holi­day to­gether.

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When her friend mar­ried a won­der­ful man she had met on this site, Na­talya re­al­ized that she could meet her soul mate here too. Sure enough, on the very first day, the charm­ing Os­man con­tact­ed her and very soon they went on a ro­man­tic date to­gether.

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Daria had giv­en up all hope of find­ing love in her own coun­try but then she met Alex on the site and knew she had found her love in another coun­try. Now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried and build­ing a fam­i­ly to­gether.

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