Nuestros emparejamientos felices

Ta­tia­na was wor­ried that if she met some­one on line, there would months of com­mu­ni­ca­tion but no meet­ing at the end of it but Kel­ly proved her wrong by fly­ing to Ukraine where they spent a won­der­ful few days to­gether.

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It was on­ly when Ka­ri­na and Zvi met in re­al life that they re­al­ized Cu­pid’s ar­rows had pierced their souls and brought them to­gether, heart to heart, eyes meet­ing eyes and look­ing to­wards a fu­ture to­gether.

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Na­talia had al­most giv­en up on on­line dat­ing but de­cid­ed to have one last try on this site and she is so glad she did be­cause she met Ken­ny and soon they were danc­ing the night away to­gether!

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Steve was weary of life and love af­ter his di­vorce but all that changed when he met Li on this site be­cause now they are mar­ried and she has brought light and hope to his life again.

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From the very first time they met, Lera knew she want­ed to spend the rest of her life with Yiu so when he pro­posed, there was on­ly one an­sw­er to give, and then they had a won­der­ful wed­d­ing in Novem­ber.

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Di­vorced and with grown-up chil­dren, Don felt it was time to meet some­one to share his life with and he feels he was so lucky to find lone­ly Lu on this site be­cause now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried so nei­ther of them will ev­er be alone again.

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With his chil­dren now grown up, Frank felt it was time to find some­one to share the fu­ture with and he found that some­one spe­cial in Mei. Now they are so in love with each other and will soon be mar­ried.

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Al­though Eu­ge­nio was a lit­tle skep­ti­cal about on­line dat­ing, when he met An­na for a ro­man­tic week­end in Rome, they both knew they had found the re­al thing and quick­ly fell in love.

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James and Liang had each been search­ing for their soul­mates for a long time but as soon as they saw each other on this site, it was love at first sight for both of them and now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried!

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Dia­na and To­mash al­ready knew how well they got on be­cause they had chatt­ed for three months but when they ac­tu­al­ly met, that was when they re­al­ized they could build a hap­py life to­gether for­ev­er.

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From the first mo­ment they saw each other’s pro­files, Anas­ta­sia and Ed­ward knew they had found some­one spe­cial and they soon de­vel­oped such a strong con­nec­tion that they al­most knew what the other was think­ing.

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Tom and Juan were both lone­ly souls be­fore they were lucky enough to meet each other. Now they are hap­pi­ly mar­ried and de­light­ed that their new­born ba­by has joined their per­fect fam­i­ly.

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